This right here is
a German army helmet.
Inside it says, "Hans" .
It's a dead Kraut's helmet.
That ain't no real Kraut helmet.
This is an ammo belt
with some writing. It says:
"Gott mit uns, " which means,
"God with us" in German.
They think God's on their side?
That right there proves
the stuff's not real.
And this is a letter...
...from a real GI fighting overseas.
"Dear Willie:
Boy, was I ever happy to get
your letter and news of home.
I can't wait to meet Skip.
He sounds like a world-class dog.
I can't tell you exactly where I am...
...but I can tell you they don't serve
French fries in France. Hint, hint.
And that all Kraut is sauerkraut,
if you ask me. Ha-ha-ha.
Keep those letters coming, Willie-boy.
And don't let anybody go breaking
my records while I'm gone.
We'll have these boys licked soon...
...and I'll be home in time
for baseball season.
Signed, your friend and neighbor...
...Private First-Class...
...Dink Jenkins. "
I read my letter from Dink today.
Where'd you really get
that stuff, you big sissy?
Give me that damn letter!
Get up and fight!