Look, a cigarette wrapper!
One little old piece of tinfoil
ain't gonna win no scrap drive.
You know, it's been two whole weeks...
...and Dink hasn't even
come out of his house yet.
Willie, when you saw him,
was he wearing his uniform?
Was he wounded?
It was really dark.
I couldn't tell for sure.
But I bet he's got a lot of medals
to show us when he gets ready.
My old man said
he didn't win no medals at all.
Yeah, my pop says he's a drunk.
I heard worse than that.
I heard he turned tail and ran.
Broke his own record
in the 1 00-yard dash.
Where are you going?
What's eating him?
Watch out for the poison oak there.
Can almost taste
that blackberry pie already.
Should be some nice, thick bushes
in around here.
Now, look.
See that hickory over yonder?
The one that looks like
he's got a broken arm?
That's lightning.
Now, see, you always want
to leave a mark...
...so you can find your way home.
Whatever happened to your leg?
Now, you know what happened to my leg.
Lost it in the Spanish Civil War...
...when you was just a baby.
Where is it now, you think?
Well, somewheres in Catalonia,
I suppose.
Does it ever itch or hurt?
You know, like the way they say?