Can almost taste
that blackberry pie already.
Should be some nice, thick bushes
in around here.
Now, look.
See that hickory over yonder?
The one that looks like
he's got a broken arm?
That's lightning.
Now, see, you always want
to leave a mark...
...so you can find your way home.
Whatever happened to your leg?
Now, you know what happened to my leg.
Lost it in the Spanish Civil War...
...when you was just a baby.
Where is it now, you think?
Well, somewheres in Catalonia,
I suppose.
Does it ever itch or hurt?
You know, like the way they say?
It hurts.
But they gave you
a medal for it, right?
I'd rather have the leg.
Now, look there.
There's an old gray squirrel.
Go get him, boy!
You almost got him, boy.
Hunters. Take a knee.
Real slow.
Over here! 3:00!
Don't move!
We'll come to you!