Nutty Professor II: The Klumps

Please teach that boy manners.
He ain't gonna be acting like no hooligan with me.

That was a spoon or fork ?
That was a spoon. All right.
Boys will be boys.

- Boys will be boys.
Oh, this looks fabulous.
Yeah, it looks really good.

How about getting another bottle
of red over here ?
Get some more wine.

Hey, Ernie, maybe
you wanna pace yourself
and take it easy, huh ?

Pace myself?
Hey, this is a celebration
for Daddy retiring.

We owe it to Daddy
andl'm gonnagetshit-faced.

By the way, congratulations, Mr. Klump.
She's so polite.
Look here, Denise, you have to
stop that ''Mr. Klump'' stuff...

'cause I've been hearing that
for the last year or so, and I'm starting to feel old.

- l ain't an oldman.
- You are an old man.

Ah, shit, Grandma,
what's wrong with you ?

If it isn't the Alzheimer's Express
right on schedule !

- Stop that ! Hi, Mama.
- She drove right on my bunion.

Y'all have to excuse me
for being late.

If you weren't my grandmother, boy--
If you weren't my grandmother !

Me and Isaac started getting
kinda frisky in the car.

- Ooh !
- Had to give him a little appetizer.

- Ooh, Mama.
- I just lost my damn appetite.
- Mama, your dress is undone. Let me zip you up.

Hurry. Zip herup in the back
before she starts looking...

like one of them Zulu hags on the cover
of NationalGeographic.

- Clesius, what's wrong with you ? That's my mother.
- Like that movie, Shaka Zulu.

You know something, Clesius ?
Come on. Come on right now !

I'm gonna tell you something.
I got a razor in this bag.

Oh, yeah, l'll tell you what.
That ain 't even no bag in yourhand. That's your titty.

Clesius !
Oh, Jesus !

She's an old bag with old bag titties.
Clesius, you out of your mind?

He called your grandma's titty
a bag.

- Death !
- Clesius Marcellus Klump.

lf it isn't the world's
oldest living Negro ?

Hey, how are things going
on the Underground Railroad, Isaac ?

Oh, Clesius, please, be nice to Mr. lsaac.
Goodevening, Mr. lsaac.

Come on and have a seat.
Good evening, Mr. Isaac.
How you doing tonight ?

lsaac know l'm playing.
l play with lsaac all the time.
You know l'm messing with you.

Oh, yeah, you say
what you wanna say,

but Isaac's still like a
Brahma bull when it comes
to relations, right, baby ?

You know what they say ?
You're as young as you feel.
