The accused is a very clever man.
But the extraordinary thing
about him
is that he seems unable to resist
letting the rest of the world
know how clever he is.
sometimes I think
he's not a real criminal at all,
he's just a big show-off.
How are things, Michael?
Fair, Shay.
What'll you have?
No, I'm grand.
Is everything all right,
Yeah, fine.
Oh, it's just this...
there's this judge...
he's getting on my nerves.
He's prejudiced, you know.
Is that right?
That's his daughter's car.
Do you think you could find it?
Consider it done.
Trial's supposed to end
on Thursday
will that give you enough time
to send them a bit of a message?
A ''frightener''?
It has to be timed just right.
Give me the keys, love.
Thanks for the lunch, sir...
and a very stimulating
Bye, dad. Hope we didn't
outstay our welcome.
Not at all, Moira.
Mind you, he does like the osund of
his own voice, doesn't he?
You're one to talk.
In conclusion...
whatever the jury's feelings
may be...
as to what seems
the just conclusion to draw...
I must remind you that...
if the available evidence is not
sufficient for a conviction