What the fuck...
Hi, cunts.
Shut your fucking mouth,
you little toerag.
What the fuck are you
gonna do about it?
I'll fucking shut it for you.
Alec, come here. I'll fucking
shut it for you, you runt.
Lads. It's Christine.
How are you all?
Come on. Let's see what they're at.
Thisi s something new...
we just ignore 'em,
no matter what they do.
Right, lads?
They don't exist.
I wouldn't fucking touch them.
Then again I might have to
give someone a good kicking.
Your escorts. Here boys,
we'll look after you.
You fucking wanker,
get out of my way.
That baldy fuck's supposed to be
a mastermind criminal?
You must be joking
just a thick gobshite
who got lucky I'd say.
Well, he's fucked now.
Hey, Lynch,
are you listening to me?
Can you feel it, can you?
You might as well give up now.
Cos we're gonna be glues
to your arse from now on.
Yeah, like flies on shite.