You fucking wanker,
get out of my way.
That baldy fuck's supposed to be
a mastermind criminal?
You must be joking
just a thick gobshite
who got lucky I'd say.
Well, he's fucked now.
Hey, Lynch,
are you listening to me?
Can you feel it, can you?
You might as well give up now.
Cos we're gonna be glues
to your arse from now on.
Yeah, like flies on shite.
Hey, girls, you got a minute?
What's up with you?
Oh, nothing.
Fucking Gardas, you know,
getting on me nerves.
Listen, I need one of you
to drive me later on.
So where are the Gardas gonna be?
Are you gonna fucking hlep me
or not?
Keep your hair on.
Why can't you cops
leave people alone?
How can they keep this up?
This is harassment.
How many of them are there?
How are we supposed to work
with the cops all over us?
I don't recognize any of them.
Would somebody call the Gardas,
sort out this mess?
They're never around
when you need them.
It's just no fun any more,
is it, Lisa?
time's up and I think you know it.
I've had a contact about
the painting, Michael.