- What are you up to?
- Courting.
- Courting who?
- Whoever.
- Bite.
- Merci, Guillaume.
Guillaume is William.
William what?
William Granther.
Hey,Jen? Why don't you
take your sister up...
and show Mr. Granther
how you catch the Frisbee.
You guys are great.
Go on. We'll watch
from right here.
Point me in the direction
ofthe kitchen...
and I'll put those in water.
- You still writing?
- ( Chuckles ) Well, yeah.
Some of us never learn.
I'm down in Montaigne
by the beach writing a new book.
Yeah, found out you were
in the neighborhood.
That-That review.
- Yeah. ( Chuckles )
- Yeah, I still have it.
Well, not in my pants,
but I have it.
( Chuckles )
The thing is, is, uh--
I didn't like the book.
Oh. Well, that
explains the review.
Well, um, so much
for cordial relationships.
Well, that depends
on how things simmer...
for both of us.
- ( Sniffs ) Ahh.
- ( Chuckles )
- Gotta go back to Montaigne.
- Oh, sorry.
How did you know
it was me?
- The other day in the market.
- The butcher pointed you out.