That-That review.
- Yeah. ( Chuckles )
- Yeah, I still have it.
Well, not in my pants,
but I have it.
( Chuckles )
The thing is, is, uh--
I didn't like the book.
Oh. Well, that
explains the review.
Well, um, so much
for cordial relationships.
Well, that depends
on how things simmer...
for both of us.
- ( Sniffs ) Ahh.
- ( Chuckles )
- Gotta go back to Montaigne.
- Oh, sorry.
How did you know
it was me?
- The other day in the market.
- The butcher pointed you out.
And I realized you were the one
who gave me that fantastic review.
- Figures.
- ( Engine Starts )
-You know what this guy really is?
He's the chance
to love again.
See, you're starting to come
out ofyour coma...
and it terrifiies you.
In New York, you sleep with men
you don't love and feel safe.
Now along comes William,
you feel a pull...
and you react...
in your dream
by creating this accountant.
- Aaron Riley?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, no.
You're wrong. He's--
He's no competition.