And I realized you were the one
who gave me that fantastic review.
- Figures.
- ( Engine Starts )
-You know what this guy really is?
He's the chance
to love again.
See, you're starting to come
out ofyour coma...
and it terrifiies you.
In New York, you sleep with men
you don't love and feel safe.
Now along comes William,
you feel a pull...
and you react...
in your dream
by creating this accountant.
- Aaron Riley?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, no.
You're wrong. He's--
He's no competition.
- This seat taken?
- Hmm.
I don't know.
I'm expecting quite a crowd.
But, uh, since
you're the fii rst.
When you think ofducks,
what do you think of?
Orange sauce.
You know, there's something
about two people...
sharing their souls on
a Sunday morning thatjust--
You didn't have to dress.
- I said dress was informal.
- Oh, yes. I remember.