My God, boys and girIs, he's right.
Here you are. You can't drive.
You can't vote.
You can't go to the bathroom
without a pass. You're stuck...
...right here in the seventh grade.
But not forever...
...because one day you'II be free.
But what if on that day you're free...
...you haven't prepared,
you're not ready...
...and yet you Iook around you
and you don't Iike what the worId is.
What if the worId...
...is just a big disappointment?
We're screwed.
UnIess you take the things that you
don't Iike about this worId...
...and you fIip them upside down right
on their ass.
Don't teII your parents I
used that word.
And you can start that...
This is your assignment.
Extra credit.
It goes on aII year Iong.
Wait a minute.
What's wrong with this?
What's the matter? Yes?
It's, Iike, so....
There must be a word to finish
that sentence.
-Someone heIp her.
Weird. Crazy.
How about possibIe?
It's possibIe.
The reaIm of possibiIity...
...exists where? In each of you.
So you can do it.