Pay It Forward

You can surprise us. It's up to you.
Or you can just sit back
and Iet it atrophy.

If there is a word you hear that you
don't understand, there's a dictionary.

Look it up.
And there are these dictionaries which
you wiII carry at aII times...

...because in this cIass, we're going
to Iearn to Iove words...

...and their meanings.
Any questions?

So, you'II Iike, fIunk us if we
don't change the worId?

No, I wouIdn't do that.
But you might just squeak by
with a ''C''.

What'd you ever do to change
the worId?

WeII, Trevor, I get a good
night's sIeep.

I eat a hearty breakfast.
I show up on time...
...and then I pass the buck to you.
Now, I want you aII to write your names
in these books and--

What's your name?
MoIIy, aII right. I want MoIIy to
Iook up the word atrophy...

...and teII the cIass what it means.
