Come in.
Trevor's not feeIing good.
I'm sorry.
What's the matter?
Just a tummy ache.
Do you want to come in?
Sure. Thank you.
-Sit down.
-Thank you.
-It's a very beautifuI home.
-Thank you.
Have you Iived in Vegas your
whoIe Iife?
I toId him if you wanted to taIk to me
I wouId come to the schooI.
Mrs. McIKinney, I didn't ask to see you.
WeII, Trevor said you did.
Yeah and he gave me a note from you...
...which you didn't write.
He gave you a note from me?
Oh, God, that's horribIe.
He's been so--
-No, I didn't mean you.
-No expIanation required.
-Don't eIaborate.
-It's not personaI.