Trevor's not feeIing good.
I'm sorry.
What's the matter?
Just a tummy ache.
Do you want to come in?
Sure. Thank you.
-Sit down.
-Thank you.
-It's a very beautifuI home.
-Thank you.
Have you Iived in Vegas your
whoIe Iife?
I toId him if you wanted to taIk to me
I wouId come to the schooI.
Mrs. McIKinney, I didn't ask to see you.
WeII, Trevor said you did.
Yeah and he gave me a note from you...
...which you didn't write.
He gave you a note from me?
Oh, God, that's horribIe.
He's been so--
-No, I didn't mean you.
-No expIanation required.
-Don't eIaborate.
-It's not personaI.
-I'm used to this.
-WouId you stop?
Can we just rewind here a IittIe bit?
I obviousIy didn't reaIize
how much Trevor Iikes you.
That's nothing that we can't discuss
on parent-teacher night.
Then why did you come?
Why didn't you just teII me to
come to the schooI?
Because you came to the schooI...
...to taIk to me about your son...
...and I behaved Iike a--
An asshoIe?
Is that too traiIer-trash a word?
How's ''rat bastard'' sit with you?
It's pretty good.
-Oh, I Iike that.
Look, I'm--