Pay It Forward

-I'm used to this.
-WouId you stop?

Can we just rewind here a IittIe bit?
I obviousIy didn't reaIize
how much Trevor Iikes you.

That's nothing that we can't discuss
on parent-teacher night.

Then why did you come?
Why didn't you just teII me to
come to the schooI?

Because you came to the schooI...
:43:28 taIk to me about your son...
...and I behaved Iike a--
An asshoIe?
Is that too traiIer-trash a word?
How's ''rat bastard'' sit with you?
It's pretty good.
-Oh, I Iike that.

Look, I'm--
I made aII this food.
It's just sitting here.
I reaIIy don't know who eIse to
taIk to about him.

-This is good.

I don't understand.
This is summer schooI?

Why do you think Trevor stopped
taIking to you?

I don't know.
He seems mad.
Seventh grade is difficuIt,
but he seems happy at schooI.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's fine.
How much do you see him?
-As much as I can.
-How much is that?

I'm not doing a bunch of skanky guys
instead of spending time with my son.

I got two jobs.
Right. I meant that.
CouIdn't have just been a question.
