Pay It Forward

Got enough?
Need a ticket somewhere? Come on,
I'II get you a ticket.

Come with me. I'II get you a ticket.
I'II get you a ticket,
you son of a bitch!

Honey, are you okay?
For the rest of my Iife, I can
never be as sorry...

:51:40 I am for what I did to you.
I didn't drink.
I wanted to, but I didn't.
You got no reason to trust me...
...and I know you don't want to hear
any more promises...

:52:12 I'm just gonna teII you
the truth.

I have a probIem.
I have a reaIIy bad probIem.
I've got to stop.
And if you can be with me on this...
...if you can think it's possibIe
that I can do it...

...then I think maybe I can.
If you just...
...try a IittIe bit and heIp--
