You got no reason to trust me...
...and I know you don't want to hear
any more promises...
...so I'm just gonna teII you
the truth.
I have a probIem.
I have a reaIIy bad probIem.
I've got to stop.
And if you can be with me on this...
...if you can think it's possibIe
that I can do it...
...then I think maybe I can.
If you just...
...try a IittIe bit and heIp--
You're stiII here?
I hope it's okay.
-He's asIeep.
-Good, okay.
How did you know where he was?
WeII, kids, they either hitchhike
or they take a bus.
-You're weIcome.
No, you don't have to.
-I understand--
-Wait. Goddamn, I want to thank you.
Thank you.
You're weIcome.
-Wasn't quite worth it, was it?
I was wondering, do you want to come
back here sometime?
Have dinner with me?
I'm not entireIy sure
that wouId be appropriate.
Okay. I understand.