Preferisco il rumore del mare

You disappoint me. I treat you as
a grownup and you act like a moron.

Since you behave like a child,
go to your room and stay there.

And thanks to you I acted like
a total jerk towards that kid.

How embarrassing.
Look not to our sins,
but to our faith in Your Church...

and dole out Your peace
according to Your will...

:40:43 without end.
- Amen.

- May the Lord's peace be with you.
- And with your spirit.

- Exchange a gesture of peace. Peace.
- Peace.

That 's why he's mad at you.
He can't admit
he's wronged an innocent man.

He doesn't have the courage
to apologize in person...

:41:03 he sent you here.
- I don't know if that 's true...

but it 'd be a shame to ruin our
friendship. Could you come again?

No, I'm sorry. I won't come
to your house ever again.

Fuck, I've ruined everything.
What will I tell him now?

- It wasn't your fault.
- It was. My dad's right.

I always mess things up.
Anyway, you're a piece of shit too.
Would it kill you to help me out?

Well, fuck you. You bumpkin.
