Red Planet

I got to see Mars.
come on, give me a red light.
Give me juice.

come on, don't do this to me and my
team. Give me a goddamn red light.

Communications online.
See? All you needed
was an attitude check.

Thank you, commander.
Mars ground crew, this is Mars- 1.
can you hear me? Over.

Mars ground crew, this is Mars- 1.
Do you copy? Over.

Terrascan has nothing to report.
No life form trace apparent.

It's weird. There's nothing here.
It's Mars.
No, I mean there's not one sign
of the algae we sent up here.

Even if it all died, there should be
something. Dried algal mat, traces--

He's right. They're not just dead,
they're gone.

Like they were scoured off. This says
there was nothing here. Impossible.

Maybe there was never anything
in this valley.

If we are where we think we are. . .
. . .this area was covered
with blue algae just a month ago.

The valley before this should've been
blazing with red-orange chloroflectic.

All this talking's burning up oxygen.
Move out.

We know what happened to the oxygen.
Nothing here to make it.

You done?
I said, move out.
