I have no idea !
Somethin' tells me you're not
being totally honest with me.
What'd you tell
that casino manager ?
- Nothin'. Nothin'.
- You was talking to him. What'd you tell him ?
He thought I was some gambler.
Nothin' I said.
Maybe something about a robbery ?
No, man, I swear to...
I swear to God.
Jesus Christ, man !
He thought I was some gambler !
He didn't know me, man !
He didn't recognize me ! Jesus Christ !
I've been drivin' rigs
a long time, convict.
Four, five million miles of road.
Hard road.
Tell 'em I was tired, shit,
they'd just hire someone else.
A thousand miles by sundown
or the gang don't eat come sunrise.
And ever road, ever mile,
it's nothin' but moms and pops and
car-seat kiddies giving me that look...
- to go to hell and get off
their happy goddamn highway.
So I have worked...
and I have slaved,
and I have waited...
for the highways to split open...
and for the rivers to roil
and for God in the heavens...
to reach down and show me
some sign of my reward,
to grant me with my gift
and say to me,
"Gabriel, my son,
you are done with the road."
Well, convict,
that gift was granted.
Look, man, I swear to God,
he just wanted to know how I heard
about the place, that's all.
He didn't know it was me, Gabriel.
He didn't know it was me ! Please !
Man, Monster, just don't
start tring to hit me.
Nick, I've been tring
to hit you.