Road Trip

He needs a B+.
We can't bend on this.

I got it.
- Just copy off someone.
- I can't. It's all essays.

If I fail this class,
my average is shot.

I might lose my financial aid
or not be allowed back.

Well, you're fucked, then.
So come to my party, hook up
with Beth, and enjoy your last week.

I'm not hooking up with anyone.
I'm invested in this relationship.

Invested? Who are you, Charles
Schwab? Listen to yourself!

I would give my life...
for one evening
of consensual sex with that girl.

I've gone this long without cheating.
You're already cheating!
Any time you pass up sex
you cheat yourself.

The window of opportunity
to drink and do drugs

and take advantage
of young girls is shrinking daily.

I gotta make a call.
I'm telling you, you pass this up,
it'll haunt you forever.

Your dick will never forgive you.
What do you think, man? Don't you
want to experience something new?

(Squeaky voice)
It ain't easy being Josh's penis.

We've been here two months,
and I feel like I'm in a coma.

- Stop it.
- I wish I was your dick, EL.

If something doesn't happen soon,
I'm gonna leave.

- Enough.
- (Girl) 'Hello?'

Carla, it's Josh. Sorry to bother
you, is Tiffany around?

Tiffany is not here.
She didn't sleep here
last night...again.

And it would be great
if for one hour you didn't call.

- Right.
- If she wanted to talk to you

she'd call you.
Deal with it.
- You bitch!
- Does she sound hot?

We've never gone this long
without talking. Something's wrong.

She found someone else,
like you should.

The clock is ticking. Before you know
it you'll be 40 and paying for girls.
