and I know the key
to a well-rounded college education
is experimentation.
Let me show you.
This is an auction. Remember...
you are not buying the girl,
only her company, and sale does not
constitute sexual relations.
(EL) I know. Believe me, I've tried.
Without further ado,
let's introduce our first...person.
- Laura!
- (Applause)
Laura's from Long lsland.
She likes the outdoors
and loves seafood.
- OK, let's start the bidding at $5!
- $3.50!
Good God, moneybags,
she's not a Happy meal.
- $5.
- OK, we've got five. Do I hear 10?
- 10 bucks.
- (Auctioneer calling)
Who's got 15 bucks
for a lovely evening with Laura?!
OK, we got 15. Who can beat 15?
Going once, going twice...
Sold...to the captain.
There you are.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Not much.
- You look great.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Listen, Jacob's here,
and he's a total psycho...
Can you go outbid him?
You know what,
I didn't bring that much money.
You don't understand. He's obsessed.
See? That's fun, right?
OK, OK. Now, I want you two
to kiss each other.
All right, has anyone seen Beth?
There she is!
- (Cheering)
- Say hi to the crowd, Beth.
Can I hear a $5 opening bid?
- $5 right here!
- Who can beat five?
- Seven.
- $10.
- $10! Going once. Going twice.
- $15!
- 20.
- 25!