- Ahh.
- Exactly!
Or if you're too wasted
to remember...
It is not cheating.
Because if you
can't really remember it,
it never really took place.
# Uh-huh
# Whoo-oo... #
OK, I've got one. Ready?
It's OK if you spread peanut butter
on your testicles
and let your dog lick it off.
- Because it's your dog!
- Jesus Christ!
- You know, because it's your dog!
- We got it.
# Whoo-oo, uh-huh
# Goddam right, it's a beautiful day
# Uh-huh, goddam right #
Somebody's gonna die tomorrow.
That's right.
One of you is marked for death.
And first thing tomorrow morning,
a chosen one
will experience nature's wrath
in all its fury.
(Hums gloomy religious chant)
Who are you?
I'm Beth.
Are you here for the feeding?
Excuse me?
You're early. It's not till tomorrow.
You should come back.
It's gonna be a bloodbath.
I think I'll pass.
Have you seen Josh?
He went to visit his girlfriend.
I thought they broke up.
I mean this girl who's a friend
of his. You know what I mean.
Where did he go?
Austin, massachusetts?