in all its fury.
(Hums gloomy religious chant)
Who are you?
I'm Beth.
Are you here for the feeding?
Excuse me?
You're early. It's not till tomorrow.
You should come back.
It's gonna be a bloodbath.
I think I'll pass.
Have you seen Josh?
He went to visit his girlfriend.
I thought they broke up.
I mean this girl who's a friend
of his. You know what I mean.
Where did he go?
Austin, massachusetts?
You mean Boston, massachusetts?
Yeah, that's what I said. Boston.
The University of Boston
in massachusetts.
He is such an asshole.
I can't believe
he just lied to my face like that.
I actually thought he liked me.
How could he do that?
- She was topless?
- Girls don't stand around naked.
Yeah, they do. OK? This is my story.
You wanna hear it or not?
- It just doesn't make any...
- Shh. Please, no interruptions, OK?
So this other girl walks up,
totally hot. Naked! Really naked!
I know guys can be jerks.
I guess I just thought
Josh was different. I liked him.
Sweetie, listen to me.
They're all the same.
All men are perverted pigs.
All they care about...
really, all they THINK about is sex.