i.e. The Republic,
Phaedo, Symposium.
Now, this will all be
on next week's midterm, so...
I suggest you read up on it.
Ah, Jacob,
Do you have anything to add ?
Just a reminder.
The midterm will cover all
of the in-class lectures...
as well as all
of the assigned readings.
It will be entirely essay form,
so bring legal pads. I prefer yellow.
It's easier on the eyes.
Okay. Okay ?
Yeah. Thank you,Jacob.
And... see you all
next week for the midterm.
- Yes ?
I saw you hitting on Beth.
Not a good idea. She's spoken for.
-What ?
-She'll come back to me. They always do.
So, Mr. Parker. Do you intend
to be ready for this exam ?
- Yes, sir.
- Well, you better be ready.
Because I was looking
over the books last night,
and you need a "B" on this test
just to pass this class.
Actually, I double-checked that,
Professor. He needs a "B" plus.
- We're not gonna be able
to bend on this.
- Yeah, I got it.
-Just copy off someone.
- I can't. It's all essays and stuff.
If I fail this class,
my average is shot.
I might lose my financial aid. I could
not be allowed back next semester.
Well, you're fucked then. You might
as well come to my party tonight.
Hook up with Beth, and at least
enjoy your last week at college.
I'm not hooking up with anyone.
I made a commitment to Tiffany.
I'm invested
in this relationship.
Invested ? Who are you, Charles Schwab ?
Would you listen to yourself?
I would give my life...
for one evening of consensual sex
with that girl.