I don't know.
Do I seem happy this morning ?
Well, you're bouncing around here
Like you're Richard fuckin' Simmons.
Yeah, you do seem unusually
Light hearted today, Josh.
Huh. Maybe it's because I had
the best time of my life last night.
Twice! And once this morning.
You and Beth?
- Oh, yeah.
- Shut up. What happened ?
No way! You're lying.
I'm not lying.
You can't make out with someone,
then pretend you had sex with them.
- That's really, really uncool.
- I'm not pretending.
Forget it. I know you're lying.
I guarantee he's lying.
You wanna bet?
Great. I'm gonna bet money
on something you can't prove.
You videotaped it!
No, no, no, I didn't! Gimme that!
Gimme that ! E.L., gimme that.
- No way ! This is amazing!
- I was kidding.
Just give it back to me, okay?
- Gimme the tape.
- Huh? Come on, Josh.
- We're all gonna see it
sooner or later. Huh?
- He's got a point.
[ Barry]
Oh, no! Oh, no!
Give it to me.
No, give it to me.
- E.L, no.
-Josh, please? We need this.
Okay, listen, seriously.
You can never tell anyone you saw this.
Oh, yeah.
Okay. Okay!
Barry, hit the lights.
It's boner time!
Hey, Tif. It's me coming toyou live
from lthaca, New York.
I thought I asked you
to mail this yesterday.
Yeah, it was on your desk.
I mailed it this morning.