Or you can just give us the car. That
would make him a risk-taker, right ?
Shut up, all right ?
He's coming with us.
Come on, Kyle.
It'll be fun !
Aren't you even curious
where we're going ?
Okay. We're going to the University
of Austin. Sure you don't wanna come ?
I don't like Massachusetts.
Austin's in Texas, not Massachusetts.
You're thinking of Boston.
You've never left this town,
have you, Barry ?
No, not really.
You should look into that. That could
turn into a debilitating phobia.
Okay, I'll do that.
- Can I feed Mitch ?
- Yes, actually you can.
You can feed him.
But not till tomorrow. There's a brown
box full of mice next to his cage.
Give him one tomorrow. And no
messing around, Barry. Okay ? Just one.
- I'll feed him a mouse tomorrow, okay ?
- Okay.
Yeah. You can count on me.
Okay ? I'm reliable.
You guys do good. Have a good trip,
safe trip, safe journey.
Buckle up your seat belt.
I'm gonna feed the snake for you.
[Barry's Voice]
So off they went.
They had 1,800miles to go,
and only three days to do it.
It was a killer journey, and
it was one that changed them forever.
The end.
So we're gonna go look
over here now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's it ? This story sucks.
That can't be the whole story.
What happened with the tape ?
Right. The tape.
Well, like I said,
They were on a race against time.
[Male Singers]*Smokestack
spitting black soot into the sunny sky*
* The load on the road brings
a tear to the Indian's eye*