*It's tricky, it's tricky
*It's tricky to rock around
To rock around, it's tricky*
[ Cheering Continues ]
*In New York the people talk
and try to make us rhyme*
* They really honk
but we just walk*
*Because we have no time
And in the city it's a pity*
* 'Cause we just can't hide*
* Tinted windows
don't mean nothing*
* We know who's inside*
*It's tricky to rock around,
to rock around, that's right, on time*
*It's tricky
Tricky, tricky, tricky*
Isn't he just
the cutest little thing ?
Oh, yeah, Kyle's the man !
* Tricky, tricky
Tricky, tricky**
**[Minnie Riperton.:
"Inside My Love "]
You mean never ? Not even once ?
- Well... I mean, I've had sex before,
-* Two people just meeting*
-just, um, never with a person.
-*Barely touching each other*
- Right.
-* Two spirits*
- Well, I think that's kind a cool.
-* Greeting*
- You do ?
- Yeah.
I mean, you should hold out.
It should be special.
* You are one*
-*And I am another*
- Wait till you're in love.
-* We should be*
- I think I love you.
- You are so cute.
-* One*
*Inside each other*
*If you can see inside me
Will you come inside me*
*Do you want to ride
further up*
*If you can see inside me
Will you come inside me*
*Do you want to ride*