The amphitheater is being built.
You descend the steps
with a bouquet of cornflowers,
ears of corn and poppies.
Every Convention deputy should have one.
A dummy will represent Atheism.
You take the torch, set it aflame.
The Statue of Wisdom appears from below.
Then onward to the Champs de Mars.
You walk 10 feet ahead of the deputies.
Why alone? We walk together.
But you preside the Convention.
Hello, Etienne.
This is my companion, Citizen Quesnet.
Your son?
Yes, citizen.
Your Fournier is a good republican.
He's not afraid to perform his duty.
Will you attend
the Fete of the Supreme Being?
She'll attend.
It will be a fete like no other.
A fatal blow to atheism.
Don't cry victory yet.
Atheism is a vice of the mind.
Born of the aristocracy,
it still distills its poison.
You will only carry a bouquet of flowers,
an offering to the Nation.
God wouldn't save the King.