He's not afraid to perform his duty.
Will you attend
the Fete of the Supreme Being?
She'll attend.
It will be a fete like no other.
A fatal blow to atheism.
Don't cry victory yet.
Atheism is a vice of the mind.
Born of the aristocracy,
it still distills its poison.
You will only carry a bouquet of flowers,
an offering to the Nation.
God wouldn't save the King.
Why save us, then?
Silence! You'll bring us bad luck.
Such talk before our child!
But the guillotine is at our windows!
I know.
They say the Parisians complain
of the smell.
Get up. You cultivate imaginary ills.
But I let you do as you please.
Enjoy it while you can.
What is this law of 22 Prairial?
They say it eliminates lawyers.
Who sees to the defense?
It's a law to punish conspirators only.
Tell us more!
The innocent are safe.
- Are we safe?
- We pay you for that!
And the Fete of the Supreme Being?
It was a farce!