
Help, Miss Crock, save me!
I'm begging you!

They got me wearing chains!
I'm living in a cage.
They're gonna kill me ifyou don'tpay.
Open your wallet, you tight-ass!
Jesus, somebody has to do something!
Dinnertime, dog.
They got me eating kibble.
I don't know how much longer I can last.
Oh, God, Chip...
...he's wearing a collar.
Collars don't hurt.
They're just trying to intimidate us.

Whatis that?
Is that urine? Itis!
Itis! It's human urine!
Chip, we're late.
-Miss Crock!
-What's your reaction to the kibble video?

Have you changed your mind
about paying the ransom?

She'll not deal with criminals.
lt's a police matter.

Your chauffeur was chained like a dog.
Where's your compassion?

l'll show you compassion.
Get your asses off my property!
I'm afraid you didn't hear me.
I'm afraid you didn't hear me!
Today, dessert baron Virginia Crock,
reiterated she will notpay the ransom.

We went to the man in the street
to find out what he thinks.

She's rich. She can afford it.
If I worked for that...chowder...slut...
...I'd tell her to...get down,
get busy on

More concerned citizens
have started a formal protest.

No more pies if Willard dies!
ls that Hillary?
She's looking good.
Rich people are no good.
I'm never gonna eat herpie again.
