Your chauffeur was chained like a dog.
Where's your compassion?
l'll show you compassion.
Get your asses off my property!
I'm afraid you didn't hear me.
I'm afraid you didn't hear me!
Today, dessert baron Virginia Crock,
reiterated she will notpay the ransom.
We went to the man in the street
to find out what he thinks.
She's rich. She can afford it.
If I worked for that...chowder...slut...
...I'd tell her to...get down,
get busy on my...man.
More concerned citizens
have started a formal protest.
No more pies if Willard dies!
ls that Hillary?
She's looking good.
Rich people are no good.
I'm never gonna eat herpie again.
This media blitz is killing us.
Our sales have dropped 50 percent.
Miss Crock, go to hell! Miss Crock--
Miss Crock, many bad things are happened.
We thought we were buying
your wholesome American image.
But it's terrible shock
that you don't rescue your loyal houseman.
Sweet old lady on pie box
is now super-villain.
l'm sorry, honey. They're playing hardball.
lf you don't pay up, they're gonna walk.
Of course I'm gonna pay the ransom.
Ijust didn't want to encourage
those underworld criminals.
But now I want Willard
home again with me.