-Quick, get me the police!
-l'm still here!
Try any more games like that,
l'll put a bullet through Willard's head.
Gimme the money!
You're the kidnapper.
You no-good hooligan!
You decimate my house.
You violate my public goodwill!
And why? Why me?
What did l ever do to you?
Gimme the money!
You oughta be ashamed of yourself!
Does your mother know
the kind of work that you do?
Don't you ever stop talking?
Gimme the money!
Now, l expect you to return Willard
in exactly the same condition he was in!
He was a strong worker!
And he had good teeth!
l got the money! l got the money!
l gotta buy Hillary a nice dinner.
l'm gonna buy my mom a new headstone.
One with her name on it and everything!
l got the money!
-What's in the suitcase?
-Get away from me.
Hey, mister, what's in the suitcase?
-Hand it over!
-Get away from me, you little shit!
-What's in the suitcase?
-Show us some respect.
-What's in the suitcase?
-Hand it over!
-l don't like your attitude.
-Take a hike.