Small Time Crooks

- Here, Benny.
- Go ahead, put it in the bag.

- I'll give it to you...
- He puts it in the bag!

- Right, so it don't make no noise.
- This is efficiency.

What the hell... What are you
putting it in his shovel for?

- He puts it in the bag.
- It's call efficiency, my friend.

- Teamwork.
- It saves energy.

I've got chocolate chip here.
I'll take a chocolate chip.
- The little girl was first.
What do you want? -Chocolate fudge.

You can only have two.

- What are you stopping for?
- I'm trying to figure this out.

I think, according to this,
we're supposed to take a left turn.

That doesn't mean stop.
Let's go.

Will you give me...
What the hell are you doing?

- What do you mean?
- You've got your hat on backwards.

"So?" The flashlight
goes in the front.

It looks cooler like this.
Are you a jerk?
What do you mean it looks cooler?

It's more stylish than that.
Look at that.

- You think so?
- Yeah. Turn it around.

This is chic like this.
Look at that. That's cool.

- You got a mirror?
- I don't got a mirror. That looks good.

- Look at yourself. I'll show you
when we get out. - All right.

- Can you keep going?
- All right! I'm trying to figure the map out!

One? Two?
Okay, everybody, hold on.
That's $1.70. Thank you very much.

Thank you, thank you. Okay, yeah.
What are you guys
gonna do with your share?

How much is my share?
I figure it's gotta be
two million, right?

I'm countin' the jewelry
in there too.

Then divided four ways,
that's a half million bucks apiece.

- What about Frenchy?
- What about Frenchy? She's just a front.

But with out Frenchy we're dead.
We can get any broad
to sell cookies. Jeez.

I say she gets a share,
but not a full share.

I'd go for that.
What if we each get a fourth
and she gets like a third?

Are you nuts?
Then she'd be getting more than us.
