-My age when I first got laid.
It was over in two seconds.
One left.
-Rhymes with...
You're so vulgar!
You look like a skeleton.
-Are you going to play?
-Let her eat first.
She can give me numbers
while she eats.
What's wrong?
You're pale, Maria.
I fell asleep.
Where's that chair from?
it was thrown out.
It's in good condition.
Go to bed, it's late.
Want some food?
-Some warm milk?
You have to eat.
Don't be a pain.
Who's it for?
The doctor's baby.
Will he pay you?
It's a gift.
Because he's so nice.
It keeps me busy.
You're so naive.
If you say so.
I say I'm going to bed.
I've got some aloe vera.