
But we didn't schedule any tests.
l was running a test
to perform an unscheduled test.

- What? Why?
- Please. Be more specific, Benjamin.

Why did you want to wake me
and perform an unscheduled test?

Wanting is a human emotion,
and not within my capability.

- I know that.
- Benjamin.

Can we play chess now?
Tom and Jerry: catharsis and cathexis.
AJ Marley. Dissertation
for doctorate - anthropology.

Begin recording, captain.
This animated animosity regularly served
as a collective catharsis for the masses.

When violent animation
was banned by statutory law

at the beginning of the 21st century,
the subsequent idealised and
seemingly benign cartoon creatures

unharnessed a human malevolence,
and a reverse social polarity was...

Would you like some music
before we begin, Copilot Vanzant?

- Whatever you like.
- How's this, Copilot Vanzant?

Confirming identity and status.
Age: 32. Release from Hazen
rehabilitation: six months.

Pilot's licence restored.
Work probation:
deep space rescue and recovery.

Reflex quotient: 1.5. Stress limit: minus 4.
You'll have to work on
those numbers, Nick.
