Begin recording, captain.
This animated animosity regularly served
as a collective catharsis for the masses.
When violent animation
was banned by statutory law
at the beginning of the 21st century,
the subsequent idealised and
seemingly benign cartoon creatures
unharnessed a human malevolence,
and a reverse social polarity was...
Would you like some music
before we begin, Copilot Vanzant?
- Whatever you like.
- How's this, Copilot Vanzant?
Confirming identity and status.
Age: 32. Release from Hazen
rehabilitation: six months.
Pilot's licence restored.
Work probation:
deep space rescue and recovery.
Reflex quotient: 1.5. Stress limit: minus 4.
You'll have to work on
those numbers, Nick.
- Neuroscan's fine.
- Good.
- What happened to your robot?
- Nothing.
Really? Hope "nothing"
doesn't happen to me.
The captain's big on
20th century cultural artefacts,
so we did him up as
a World War One fighter pilot.
We do things like that just to amuse each
other. Everyone tries to get along here.
- I get along fine.
- You've been on board 12 days.
Asking about a robot's the first sign of
interest you've shown in this ship or crew.
- I got a captain who watches cartoons,...
- He's working on his PhD.
..a computer tech
who calls his mainframe Sweetie
and two medical techs practising
anatomy in any corner they can find.
I've been on six paramedic tours
with this crew. They get the job done.
We're out here for months.
Nothing happens.
People get lonely.
Then suddenly all hell breaks loose,
you do your job,
then it all goes back to nothing happens.
This crew's OK.