That's gonna be ten times
the gravity of our sun.
We've jumped into a high-grav field right
in the path of that moon's debris cloud!
I can't isolate these veins
unless you keep this hatch shut!
Warning. Lunarimpact in 57 seconds.
- Rate of descent?
- 98 metres persecond.
Time to impact?
49 seconds.
- Recommend alternatives?
- Assessment...
Sweetie, get us out of here!
- The hatch is gonna open!
- The controls aren't responding!
- Alternatives, Sweetie!
- Unacceptable risk factor on all options.
- It's opening!
- Cut the power!
Now, dammit!
- It's not working!
- Close the hatch!
- Engage docking thrusters.
- Thrusters insufficient to escape...
Overriding computer. Going manual.
No! We need Sweetie!
What are you doing?
Buying us some time!
Firing docking thrusters.
Kill me.
- How d'you know how much fuel to use?
- I'm guessing.
- I can't keep it shut much longer.
- Don't kill him!
Don't kill him.
Oh, God.