Overriding computer. Going manual.
No! We need Sweetie!
What are you doing?
Buying us some time!
Firing docking thrusters.
Kill me.
- How d'you know how much fuel to use?
- I'm guessing.
- I can't keep it shut much longer.
- Don't kill him!
Don't kill him.
Oh, God.
Clean this place up.
- Sweetie.
- Do you need me back now, Nick?
- What's our status?
- Fuel loss: 82%.
The dimension drive must recharge
in order to escape high solargravity field.
- Time to recharge?
- 17 hours,
one minute.
- Flashpoint time based on fuel reserve?
- Solarincineration
in 17 hours, 12 minutes.
That leaves you
an 11-minute window, Nick.
Maintain orbit, six-second thrusts,
15-minute intervals.
l will maintain orbit.
Start broadcasting ID and position,
all coordinates.
See if you can contact the Titan.
This is Trans Soma rescue vessel
Nightingale 229 hailing TSMO Titan 37.