Hey. I've got
your oils, man.
Here. I want to
give you something.
Listen up, everybody.
Okay. Tomorrow I will travel
for many miles on a bicycle.
Um, Vicki.
Uh, uh,
sutra cuputovati
mnogomillja biciklom.
Great. Very good. Helene.
Very good.
Sutra cuputovati
mnogomillja biciklom.
Very good. Keaty?
All right.
it's far too easy, though.
Yes. Okay. Sutra cuputovati
mnogomillja biciklom.
There's more, you know.
He knows everything.
Sutra cuputovati
mnogomillja biciklom.
Yes, Richard!
You're represented, man.
Sutra cuputovati
mnogomillja biciklom.
This became ourworld,
and these people,
our family.
back home was
just one more place
we didn't think about.
I settled in.
I found my vocation:
the pursuit of pleasure.
Sal was the leader,
but it wasn't a big deal.
I mean, there wasn't
any ideology or shit like that.
It was just a beach resort
for people who don't like
beach resorts.
...and some of us build.
Even paradise
takes a little shaping.