The Beach

Yes, Richard!
You're represented, man.
Sutra cuputovati
mnogomillja biciklom.

This became ourworld,
and these people,
our family.

back home was
just one more place

we didn't think about.
I settled in.
I found my vocation:
the pursuit of pleasure.
Sal was the leader,
but it wasn't a big deal.
I mean, there wasn't
any ideology or shit like that.

It was just a beach resort
for people who don't like
beach resorts.

...and some of us build.
Even paradise
takes a little shaping.

For years,
they kept this place a secret.

They didn't need
to tell anyone.

They were practically

The only thing
they had to do

was sail back
once in a while

to trade a little marijuana
and buy some rice.

We grow our own,
which means no stealing

from the farmers
on the other side.

And do they know that
you're living here?

Oh, yeah, but they
keep to their side,

and we don't trespass
on their turf.

A couple of years ago,
they came to us,

and they said
that we could stay.

That was all right, but
nobody else should come.

which kind of
suits us as well.

So, you was lucky,
you know? Very lucky.

There was Keaty,
who only cared
about 2 things...

Thank you, Lord,
for the twin pillars
of civilization:

Christianity and cricket.
There were the Swedes...
Christo, Sten, and Karl.
We like fishing.
Fishing. Yeah.
