Why you're wet.
Come on. Tell me.
That's right.
Oh, oh, good.
Walk away.
We're talking ourselves
in circles, Will.
Are you gonna say something ?
Are you gonna back me up ?
Come on, Chloe. Take a stance
for once. Tell him I'm right.
Tell him I'm right !
- Don't yell at her
'cause you're mad at me.
- Don't tell me how to talk.
[ All Shouting ]
Guys, chill out
before you say something
you don't mean.
Okay ?
All right. Let me say
something I really mean.
No, Chloe.
Hey, you and I were
at Maury's, right ?
Having a good time,
drinking, talking
to some girls.
And Caleb Mandrake
and your seven new
friends come in.
You gonna sit
with them or with me ?
Introduce me, or is that
against the rules ?
How do you know about Caleb ?
You see, he's already
on a first-name basis--
No bullshit.
How do you know
about Caleb Mandrake ?
Call it a guess.
But Caleb's not
the issue, all right ?
The issue's us.
What ?
[ Sighs ]
Will !
Hey, Will !
Will, we gotta work
this thing out, okay ?
There's gotta be middle ground.
No, see, that's where
you're wrong.
When it comes
to friendship,
there is
no middle ground.
[Phone Rings]
Hello ?
This is Caleb Mandrake. May I
speak with Lucas McNamara ?
Right away... sir.
Caleb Mandrake.
Will !
Will !