What ?
[ Sighs ]
Will !
Hey, Will !
Will, we gotta work
this thing out, okay ?
There's gotta be middle ground.
No, see, that's where
you're wrong.
When it comes
to friendship,
there is
no middle ground.
[Phone Rings]
Hello ?
This is Caleb Mandrake. May I
speak with Lucas McNamara ?
Right away... sir.
Caleb Mandrake.
Will !
Will !
Caleb, can you
hold on one second ?
No problem.
Listen , Chloe,
I'm really sorry, but--
I'm sorry.
[Door Opens]
what's happening, man ?
Well, we didn't have
to wait very long.
Why ? What's happening ?
You know something I don't ?
Do me a favor and check
under your pillow.
You might find
a little something
from the tooth fairy.
Mr. Lucas McNamara.
You too, Mr. Mandrake.
You too.