There's a rule for every
possible situation.
Guard the key to our entry
and your rule book...
as you would guard
your own lives.
Most important, remember.:
Our rules...
supersede those
of the outside world.
''A Skull above
any other. ''
[ Together ]
''A Skull above any other.''
Well done, gentlemen.
As chairman
of the Order of Skulls...
and on behalf
of the council...
and the 322 alumni
throughout the world,
you are welcome.
Welcome home.
The proudest day
of my life, Caleb.
Thanks, Dad.
I want to make you proud.
They're beautiful.
Just like they were
this morning in the ground
outside the dean's office.
I thought
women loved fresh flowers.
I messed up
with you yesterday.
I'm sorry.
Really ?
Feels like a bribe.
What's all this ?
Luke McNamara,
Action Jackson.
Named after Jackson Pollock.
It's my senior thesis.
I am teaching my computer
how to paint.
No, wait.