They're beautiful.
Just like they were
this morning in the ground
outside the dean's office.
I thought
women loved fresh flowers.
I messed up
with you yesterday.
I'm sorry.
Really ?
Feels like a bribe.
What's all this ?
Luke McNamara,
Action Jackson.
Named after Jackson Pollock.
It's my senior thesis.
I am teaching my computer
how to paint.
No, wait.
Actually, pure randomness
is really what forms...
the computer's creation.
So am I the artist,
or is the machine ?
Are we both ?
Maybe it's nobody.
Or maybe it's chaos
in its purest form.
do you have to stay here
while this thing paints ?
Do you think I can take
you out to dinner now ?
Yeah. Know why ?
Because Action Jackson
chooses when to begin
and when to end.
I am so getting
an ''A.''
[ Both Laughing ]
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
@l can say l spent the night@
@ On the telephone inside@
Since I'm buying tonight,
How hungry would
you say you are ?
How hungry would
you say you are ?
I'm famished.
Famished ?
Well, famished is like,
what, 20 bucks ?
Which means that
I'd better get some cash.
l should probably
check the balance.
It's been a big week
for me. I bought a book.