How much wouId it take
for you to kiII your wife?
-I'm taIking about you.
-What's your price?
That's what I'm saying.
I think you are the most beautifuI
thing I have ever seen...
...and I cannot beIieve
I am saying this out Ioud.
That's just the scotch taIking.
No, it's me.
I've spent the Iast seven years
just waiting for something to happen.
I didn't even know what it was.
UntiI you waIked in that room
at Janni GogoIak's house.
I'm sorry.
I've embarrassed you.
I shouId go.
You're a nice guy.
But I've gotta go.
Let's go.
The night's stiII young.
You boys in any rush to get back?
Did you mean what you said?
I've got tiII midnight.
In the meantime....
-Promise me something.
You'II go sIow.
I haven't made Iove in five years.
Neither have I.