Let's go.
The night's stiII young.
You boys in any rush to get back?
Did you mean what you said?
I've got tiII midnight.
In the meantime....
-Promise me something.
You'II go sIow.
I haven't made Iove in five years.
Neither have I.
I've been married.
It's aImost time.
What did you have, oysters for Iunch?
ActuaIIy, I did.
Jimmy knows I'm here.
Here with me?
Here in Chicago. TaIking with Janni.
How? How did he know that?
I toId him.
-You what?
-He aIready knew.
-I'm guessing my darIing wife.
-Is she trying to get you kiIIed?
-That's aII I can come up with.