He says I have to bring it to him.
You do have a maintenance contract?
- Of course.
Apparently it does not include transport.
With which company?
- Domotics Clinic.
Let's see. I'm checking.
One moment.
I talked to a real stubborn guy.
I see. Did you catch his name?
- Yes. Gregory.
Perfect. You can count on me.
I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
Hello. Thomas.
- Hello.
How are you feeling?
- Fine.
- I did it.
What did you do?
- I talked to my mother.
She took it very well.
She will only call me once a week.
Thomas. Our session will be
different today.
We have to talk.
I was controlled.
Controlled? By the insurance?
Yes. Of course.
- I was almost discharged.
Wow. What's all that about?
You're good. Very professional.
I'm not the reason. The treatment is.
In fact. I asked to be controlled.
You did?
- Yes.
Globale assembled
a panel of psychologists.
of various expertise.
They saw our sessions and...
- Wait.
They watched our sessions?
Neither one of us owns the sessions.
They are Globale property.
Really. Thank you.
That was thoughtful of you.
So. What did your peers say?
They confirmed what I already knew.
You've been deviating.
- Deviating?
You're smart. You're avoiding.
You've invented a new patient.
a virtual patient you use as protection
to avoid asking yourself questions.
Isn't all that a bit far-fetched?
You don't do it on purpose.
It's subconscious.
It's alright then.