Thomas est amoureux

filmed it.
I thought you'd be happy to see it.
Thomas. Why did you hang up?
Are you alright?
No. I can't. I can't watch this.
Did you have a seizure?
You mean these images triggered it?
Yes. To see myself outside like that.
Calm down. Thomas. Calm down.
Breathe slowly.
You should rest.
That's what I was going to do.
I'm sorry. I couldn't have known.
You were so happy then.
You weren't afraid.

Yes I was afraid.
The sky. The air...
- But. Your seizures began after...

Yes. I know. Thank you. Mother.
Will you be alright?
- Yes.

I'm going to go lie down.
Are you sure?
- Yes. Goodbye. Mom.

- Hi there.

Yes. Hello.
My name is Vanessa.
I got your number from Catch-a-Heart.

Yes. The matrimonial agency.
We call it a dating club.
- Right. A dating club.

You seem rather cute.
Your face at least.
What is your problem?
- Excuse me?

Well. Why did you join a dating club?
Everybody does it.
Yes. But guys hit on you. Right?
Of course! But how do I know
if he's the ideal person?

Because I'm the ideal person?
The computer selected you for me
among thousands of candidates.
