Are you sure?
- Yes. Goodbye. Mom.
- Hi there.
Yes. Hello.
My name is Vanessa.
I got your number from Catch-a-Heart.
Yes. The matrimonial agency.
We call it a dating club.
- Right. A dating club.
You seem rather cute.
Your face at least.
What is your problem?
- Excuse me?
Well. Why did you join a dating club?
Everybody does it.
Yes. But guys hit on you. Right?
Of course! But how do I know
if he's the ideal person?
Because I'm the ideal person?
The computer selected you for me
among thousands of candidates.
Among thousands of candidates.
it chose an agoraphobic.
They didn't tell you at the club?
- No.
They didn't tell you!
I don't mind you
being afraid of spiders.
Excuse me?
You're arachnophobic. Right?
No. Agoraphobic.
What is an agoraphobic?
It means I haven't gone out of
my apartment in eight years.
You must be joking.
- No.
Eight years?
- Yes. Eight years.
And no one has come
into my apartment either.
I only see people by visiophone.
Why did you call Catch-a-Heart then?
- I didn't.
My psychologist nicely signed me up.
for therapy.